Waldorf - The Run Series/DjBiso


Here’s the 10th in our Run Series


Waldorf - 47


What is happening to me!

I almost barged into Dora’s room knowing fully well she was having her bath.

Let me tell you about Dora...

Dora is in her 20s, nice face, firm and curvy,  and evidently in awe of me.

And in all the 3 years she had lived with us, she had been a decent and hardworking housemaid.

Don’t blame me. This was my fourth attempt in like 2 weeks to make love to Sarah and getting shut down.

If it is not one thing, it is the other.

This morning, she just flat out told me to leave her alone.

I am at my wits end.

Because me, I like to nack!

And I’m at that golden point in my late 40’s where my trifecta are in perfect sync.

1 - I have some time - thanks to Covid.

2 - I have small money.

And 3 - with my diet and exercise, my energy level is epic!

Anyway, Bayo says he’s coming out with Tosin and her friends for SNF. Fuck dipping a toe, this Independence Edition, I’m going to go out and drown in that fornication pool!

Let me go for a run and come back and make that call…

To listen to the Playlist - Click here/Waldorf

To download - Click here


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